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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Who's doing your taxes?

We went and had our taxes done today and it was a great experience!  We were with our tax preparer for a total of 45 minutes and everything was done.  This was the first time we had someone do our taxes because we always were too cheap, and did it ourselves online with TurboTax.com or TaxAct.com.  There was something nice about getting in, getting our taxes finalized, learning our refund or amount owed, and being out of there.  What will you do?  How will you do your taxes?  This depends on the type of person you are and if you even want to do your taxes.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I want to do my own taxes or will I be able to make enough time to do them?
  • Am I comfortable with numbers and my financial situation that I'll be successful doing them?
  • Do I want to pay someone else to do my taxes when there's software and websites to help me do them?

I found a couple of articles online that may give you some more in depth knowledge and information to assist you in making a sound tax decision: